Natural Remedies For Mouth Ulcers And Stomatitis

Aphthous stomatitis natural remedies

Mouth ulcers or stomatitis are small painful ulcers that occur on the tissue of the mouth, tongue, lips, palate. These small lesions can be very annoying, because the affected mucous membranes become red and swollen, and sometimes you may run even bleeding. Mouth ulcers can be cured with natural remedies, and will work together in maintaining good oral hygiene. Not necessarily you must resort to corticosteroids and antiseptic mouthwashes. Even nature can give us a hand, proposing various solutions against stomatitis.

Copper and zinc

Ampoules fond blanc

 The copper and zinc are two trace elements that are capable of influencing the immune system, since they act as endocrine regulators. Copper and zinc are involved in various reactions that occur within the organism. To treat stomatitis, should encourage our consumption of these two minerals. There are of the appropriate vials, which should be taken on alternate days, for at least three months.


Green tea

You can apply on the ulcers affecting the mouth a wet tea bag. In this case we will draw benefits by the acid tannic, which promotes healing of canker sores. The tannins in tea are real and antioxidants can protect tissues from the destructive exerted by free radicals. Act beneficially on the epidermis and therefore can be used in a remarkable also to speed the process of tissue repair, when the sores put them in danger.

Vitamin C

 Orange m

We should treat very power, ensuring a higher intake of vitamin C, which can be found primarily in oranges, grapes, bell peppers, broccoli, spinach and arugula in. Vitamin C has an immune and antioxidant, because it contributes to the formation of collagen and thus promotes healing of canker sores.


Spoon of baking soda

Even baking soda is very useful to treat stomatitis. In particular the substance exerts a disinfectant against the affected part. That's because they are indispensable rinsing with water and baking soda, to prevent the formation of bacterial infections.


Mucous membranes affected by canker sores can also put the propolis, which can be considered in all respects a natural antibiotic. Propolis acts as a disinfectant and antiseptic. Moreover also is rich in vitamin C and is therefore involved in the formation of collagen, for wound healing.

Lemon properties

Lemon is rich in many properties. Especially appears as a true concentration of vitamin C, which is indispensable to stimulate the immune system. You must not, in fact, forget that canker sores tend to occur especially during periods in which the action and responsiveness of our immune system appear reduced. Depending on the requirements, we can perform the rinses with the lemon juice for two or three times a day. It 'important that the lemon is not diluted in water, for an even more efficient.


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