Vegetarians May Live Longer Than Meat Eaters?

Vegetarians live longer. This is the result that would emerge from a recent research carried out by researchers at Loma Linda University in California. The vegetarian diet would help to incur a lower risk of death due to various diseases and, specifically, those that affect the cardiovascular system. The study results were published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Were taken into account more than 73,000 subjects. All of them have responded to a questionnaire that concerned their eating habits and type of diet followed.

The participants were divided into five groups: non-vegetarians, semi-vegetarians, peach-vegetarian, lacto-ovo-vegetarian, vegan. In this division was taken into account, therefore, of the volunteers who ate even fish, eggs and dairy products.

Vegetarians May Live Longer
Macrobiotic Diet, Example menu 

 The observation period lasted almost six years and in that time there have been 2,570 deaths. The mortality rate was extremely low among vegetarians, as was found in the highest degree among omnivores.

Actually scholars have failed to understand what were the specific causes that occurred in this difference. However it is clear that among the vegetarians there was less risk of being subject to cardiovascular diseases and ischemia.

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Among other things it was possible to see that the association between vegetarian diet and reduced risk of death seems to encourage more men than women.

Now the vegetarian diet is also increasing in Italy. There are many who decide to switch to this type of diet. The recent discovery could be one more reason to become vegetarian?


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