World's Healthiest Foods 2017

Ini adalah daftar makanan paling sehat sedunia yang mungkin terlewatkan dalam list, tapi perlu di ingat semua itu harus dalam kondisi baik dan alami. jauh dari insektisida dan segala bentuk polusi .

Vegetarians May Live Longer Than Meat Eaters?


Did you know blackberries have useful healing properties? Of course they're loaded in antioxidants and vitamins, but the leaves and roots have value, too. Native Americans have long used the stems and leaves for healing, while enjoying the young shoots peeled as a vegetable of sorts and the berries, either raw or in jams. The leaves and root can be used as an effective treatment against dysentery and diarrhea as well as serving usefulness as an anti-inflammatory and astringent. Ideal for treating cuts and inflammation in the mouth.

Rice Benefits for Skin and Body

 Navajo Tea

Also called greenthread, Plains Tea or Coyote Plant, this plant has been used for centuries by Native Americans to quickly relieve that most brutal and irritating of infections: the UTI (urinary tract infection). Best when made into a tea or decoction.


Oranges are well known for their vitamin C content. They are also high in fiber, antioxidants and taste incredible.

Weight Loss After Menopause, Diet And Practical Advice


Strawberries are highly nutritious, and are low in both carbs and calories.

They are loaded with vitamin C, fiber and manganese, and are arguably among the most delicious foods in existence.

 Sweet Violet

Native to Europe and Asia, sweet violet is cultivated around the world and is a pleasant, delicate purple color. When brewed into a syrup the plant is effective as a treatment for colds, flu and coughs or sore throat. However, when made as a tea, it is wonderfully effective for relieving headaches and muscle and body pain.
Winter Savory

Natural Antibacterial Mouth, DIY Remedies


Winter savory is your savior against insect bites and stings. One of the most effective natural plant treatments for bug bites is originally from Europe and the Mediterranean but often shows up elsewhere thanks to global trade. In addition to being an antiseptic, it is delicious – used for flavoring meats and stews – and all parts are edible. 

Other Healthy Fruits

There are many other healthy fruits and berries that aren’t listed here.

Some examples: Cherries, grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, lemons, mango, melons, olives, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums and raspberries.
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